New Nature Ministries was started in September 2017 by Ryan and Kylie Rufus.
Presently the ministry has two focuses:
- Growing our online Gospel of grace teaching resources to establish and equip the Body of Christ.
- Teaching in churches and conferences around the world to empower leaders/believers.
Future growth will include:
- Bible school.
- Planting churches.
- Ministry network.
- Hosting conferences.
- TV ministry.
- Charity to help children who are victims of abuse.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to see people saved, set free and walking in the Spirit. We want to help local churches create and live in powerful atmosphere’s of God’s grace. Our ministry in local churches and conferences is all about giving strength and honour to leaders, empowerment to the saints and helping to protect the Body of Christ from destructive and distracting doctrines. We believe ministry flows out of intimacy with Jesus and when His Word and presence comes, atmosphere’s are shifted and lives are transformed.
Our Message:
- To walk in the SPIRIT covenant (grace)
- From your reborn SPIRIT (new nature)
- In fellowship with the Holy SPIRIT
- In the unity of the SPIRIT with the Body of Christ.
Our teaching’s emphasize:
- Total forgiveness.
- The gift of righteousness.
- Open access to God.
- Released from the law.
- A powerful new nature.
- Your Christ-like identity.
- Dominion over sin.
- The empowerment of grace.
- Grace based authority.
- Knowing the Holy Spirit.
- Ministry of the Holy Spirit.
- Divine healing and health.
- A high value for the local church.
- Empowering leaders.
- Sound doctrine.
- Sound mind.
- Justification by faith.
- Evangelism.
- Eternal security.
- Living on fire for Jesus.
- Christ centred living.
- The grace of giving.
The Way We See Church:
- We believe that THE CHURCH is God’s PLAN A for reaching this world and fulfilling the Great Commission.
- We have a high value for seeing LOCAL CHURCHES becoming everything that Christ intended them to be and for every believer to find their part.
- We believe that every local church should be an embassy of heaven that shows this world what heaven looks like when it comes to a community of people here on earth.
Therefore our passion is to help churches develop these 12 ESSENTIAL AND POWERFUL CULTURES:
- PRESENCE: Where there is a love, honour and hunger for hosting God’s presence.
- WORSHIP: Where the goal of worship is to lead people into an encounter with God and a lifestyle of surrender to Him.
- WORD: Where the preaching of the Word is rich in New Covenant revelation that spiritually feeds and establishes people every week.
- SPIRIT: Where there are regular ministry times full of the Holy Spirit with people being saved, healed, set free, inspired and transformed.
- FELLOWSHIP: Where people share their lives together as one caring family in fellowship, generosity and serving.
- VISITORS: Where visitors are so welcome and feel instantly connected to the church.
- EVANGELISM: Where everyone cares about the lost, brings the lost, and the church is geared to seeing them saved and added.
- EQUIPPING: Where people find their purpose and place and are empowered to fulfil it.
- CHILDREN: Where children’s ministry is all about having fun, learning about God and being connected with friends.
- EXCELLENCE: Where there is a spirit of excellence for the purpose of giving value and importance to the message and Presence.
- LEADERSHIP: Where leaders are secure, truly know God, have a pure love for people and a high value for God’s grace, glory and government.
- PRAYER: Where everything we do is birthed in prayer and reliance upon God.
Our ministry style:
- Focusing people on Jesus through worship and surrender.
- Teaching the Word with an anointing that establishes and equips people.
- Ministering with the Holy Spirit to confirm the Word with signs following.
- Honouring people and leadership.
The culture and atmosphere we build around us:
- Peace environment – not chaos, stress, anxiety, impatience or overly intense.
- Simplicity – not complicatedness.
- Empowering – not devaluing, dismissing or competing.
- Integrity and honesty – not deceitful, pretentious or duplicitous.
- Kindness – not selfish or mean.
- Truth through love – not man pleasing, sold out or paralysed by political correctness.
- Word and Spirit – not one at the expense of the other.
- Bible in context – not building doctrine on experience, bias, agenda or philosophy.
- Honouring authority – not rebellious or divisive.
- Christ-centred – not man centred.
- Spirit-led – not flesh-led.
- Presence dependant – not talent or formula dependant.
- Reliant on God – not our abilities or resources.
- Servant hearted – not self seeking.
- Team minded – not independent or contradictory.
- Excellence – not half-hearted or sloppy.
- Frustration solvers – not adding problems.
- Inspired and passionate – not bored, aimless and going through the motions.
- Generous – not fearfully holding on.
- Resolving conflicts – not allowing resentment to build up.
- Building credibility and trust both ways – not being naive, idealistic and careless.
- Lovers of God and people – not lovers of money, power or ego.
- Rob Rufus: my natural father and spiritual father. He has mentored and trained me in the ministry. I have opened my life to him to hold me
accountable at any point in my doctrine, ministry and character. - Adam F. Thompson: a director at New Nature Ministries. Adam is a prophet and has been in ministry many years and is a good man to have walking with you and to be accountable to.
- Luke Ide: a director at New Nature Ministries and a pastor at Freedom Life Church, Perth.
I (Ryan) was born in South Africa in 1977 and grew up there in a pastors home until we moved to Australia when I was thirteen. I spent fourteen years in Australia growing up, getting married to Kylie and having two children, Renae and Chloe. We ministered as pastors in two local churches consecutively, until we were called to Hong Kong to serve with my parents in their newly planted church. We ministered side by side with my parents Rob and Glenda Rufus in City Church International for twelve years, having two more children, Kimberly and Asher, writing numerous books on grace and ministering in conferences and local churches around the world. Being prepared to spend the rest of our lives in Asia, God revealed He had other plans for us so in early 2017 He called us forward to Adelaide, South Australia to launch our own ministry called New Nature Ministries.
How you can help:
- Pray for us.
- Invite us to speak.
- Share our teachings.
- Send an encouragement.
- Make a financial donation.